Breast Screening

General Information About Breast Screening
A screening mammography uses a low-dose x-ray system to examine soft tissue of the breasts. It is considered to be the best method available for the early detection of breast cancers because it can show changes in the breast up to two years before a patient or physician can feel them. The screening involves two X-rays of each breast. While it is generally a quick, painless procedure, the breasts are compressed during the examination to provide maximum image clarity and some patients do experience slight discomfort. A state-of-the-art Computer Aided Detection system aids the radiologist in identifying very subtle changes in the breast that may highlight areas of concern or the presence of cancer.
St. Paul Radiology now offers a unique new breast imaging procedure that combines powerful 3D imaging with conventional digital mammography. This technology allows for better visualization of the breast tissue, helps physicians improve the accuracy of exams, and gives patients peace of mind.

Questions About Breast Screening
Question: Who Should Consider a Preventative Screening Evaluation?
Answer: St. Paul Radiology’s clients are people who are interested in prevention and wellness. They recognize the value of early detection in the prevention and the treatment of disease. They realize that true patient care begins with themselves, the patient.
Question: Are These Procedures the Same as the “Body Scan Vans” Seen in Other Parts of the Country?
Answer: No. St. Paul Radiology’s studies are performed in a licensed, state-of-the-art permanent facility. At the conclusion of the study, you will have a face to face consultation with a Board Certified Radiologist who will review your examination and the results with you.
Question: Who Will Interpret My Examination?
Answer: All studies are interpreted by Board Certified Radiologists (St. Paul Radiology) with expertise in both body imaging and preventative imaging. St. Paul Radiology takes a multi-disciplinary approach to provide reassurance that appropriate recommendations are made at the conclusion of the exam. These physicians participate in the multi-disciplinary diagnosis and treatment of vascular disease, lung disease, and oncologic disorders. Additionally, with your approval, St. Paul Radiology will provide reports and images to your primary care physician.
Question: What is the Mission of St. Paul Radiology’s Preventative Screening Program?
Answer: The program is designed to provide superior CT screening at state-of-the-art imaging centers for the early detection of coronary artery disease, lung cancer and colon cancer, while remaining committed to educating the consumer about the issues of quality, expertise and competence in the newly emerging field of preventative imaging. At the Preventative Screening Program, preventative imaging is performed in a controlled setting with direct physician supervision. Furthermore, the physicians of this practice are all Board Certified in Diagnostic Radiology. They are respected, active members of the Twin Cities medical community and they are on the medical staff of many Twin Cities area hospitals.

Stop Breast Cancer For Life
Demi Moore talks about stopping breast cancer so that one day all women can live in a breast-cancer free world. Get mammograms and breast cancer screening at St. Paul Radiology.